Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Obsessed With Me?

My three-year old son is attending pre-school twice a week and I must say it has been a welcome treat for me to get some time off from him. But that time without him seems still not enough. I still struggle keeping up with chores; online work and studies. My son doesn't take a nap in the afternoon anymore unless he's got a pretty rough day. He literally zaps my energy out during the day so at night I don't have enough energy to go through my usual routine.

There's a mom in my son's pre-school whose son can play by himself for hours so she's able to do a lot of things during the day. Though I find that odd, I wish that my son could play by himself for longer time too. He's all over me all the time. He wants interactive play. He wants to get involved in everything I do in the kitchen, laundry, even when I just take a pee in the toilet. No kidding, he would stand there and hand me toilet paper; new pantyliner and even flush the toilet for me. When I put anything on like my pants, socks or shoes, he'll get excited and would offer to help me. He is playing 'mom' to me, imitating the things I do to him. His words would always include "Let me help", "Let me do", "I do it too mommy". Sometimes I feel like my son is obsessed with me, and its pretty exhausting lol. I guess I just have to cherish these moments huh, like what every moms I know would tell me. He will grow up sooner than I expect and hopefully he would be this helpful and involved in my life too ;-). We'll see.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

A Great Web Hosting Site for Busy Moms

I'm sure busy moms like myself would agree with me that 24 hours in a day seem not enough to do everything around the house. However ways to save and maximize the time in a day to get more things done are a welcome treat. While I want to make my life simpler, I also have a habit of browsing through the net and comparing products and services all the time to get the best deal. I don't just plunge into buying anything.

I also don't have the luxury of time sitting at the computer continuously. I've been trying to search for dedicated server in a while and while searching through the web for
dedicated server, I came across, a website that provides a list of the top 10 web hosting providers. This site really makes it easier to compare and choose the right provider that fits anybody's needs. Instead of going through sites after sites to compare the pros and cons and prices of a web hosting provider, at Web Hosting Geeks this won't be a problem anymore. caters to everybody's needs when it comes to choosing the right web hosting provider as it has the best resource for web hosting reviews and ratings.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

EC Top Droper Day - June

Here are my top 10 droppers for the month of June. Thanks guys for dropping here regularly. Check out my sidebar for some linky love.

Life's sweets and spices
A work-at-home-mommy who loves to cook, bake and read. A frustrated chef, now a dedicated blogger. Blogging makes me happy and this is where I share my thoughts, ideas, [sometimes] feelings, my love for food and then some…
The Modern Mom
Moms like me are becoming more and more housekeeping savvy. From stretching the family budget to diy's, smart solutions and more.Being a wonder mom is now no sweat with all these wonderful alternatives.
Take a coffee break...
Coffee. Can’t start the day without having my cup of hot, creamy, not-so sweet morning booster. This blog is all about my favorite kicker and its benefits, with some teasers on other great tasting beverages.
A Simple Life
A 40 year old mother of two who likes to write just about anything. A baking enthusiast, a crafter and a hobbyist. This is about me, my views, my interests and my favorites.
I’m a mom and a wife to picky eaters which prompted me to search for yummy and healthy recipes, and modify so my family can enjoy them.
Mommy's Little Corner
A blog that talks about my adventures of being a wife and a mom. This blog also focuses on food, nutrition and health.
Life's Tricky Situations
“Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day.”
moms..... check nyo
I’m a 40ish year old mom of two. I love to bake, cook, plant herbs (in pots cause i don’t have a garden), cross stitching, hardanger embroidery, bowling and just like any typical pinay moms i love watching telenovelas.
Cacai's Step and Journey
My personal blog talks about my own wits, views, reviews, thoughts, beliefs, happiness, and my day to day experiences in this beautiful world we're living in, of good quality standard for which everyone of all ages is welcome. ***Adverts, I welcome you all, feel free to ad. (~_~) ***
Online Marketing
I Learn Online Marketing

Monday, June 29, 2009

ABC's and 1,2,3's

I used to worry about my son not having interest on identifying alphabet and numbers while other playmates his age can identify them very well already. I read in the book "What to Expect the Toddler Yeas" that children who can recognize letters and numbers before school may only enjoy temporary edge from other kids. Studies show they don't retain it, as other students quickly catch up. Not having interest in academics at age 2 or 3 does not in any way suggest that a child won't be a good student. Don't belittle a child if he isn't ready to count or learn the alphabet. There's plenty of time ahead for these before first grade. Make learning fun and exciting, like my son and I count together when climbing stairs. Let toddler be and enjoy as he is, but stimulate learning by talking, reading, and counting with them.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

A Fun and Safe Summer for the Family

After what seemed to be an endless cold season, now the weather is really becoming warmer for good. Having come from a country with tropical weather, I really prefer the warm season over the bitter cold ones. Warm weather means grill season too. Grilling is a very important endeavor during the warm weather. Most families spend more time in their backyards; getting together with family and friends; and enjoying their all time favorite grilled food like barbeque, hamburger and hotdogs. My family is not an exception to this. In fact, as soon as the weather became a little warmer, we right away moved our Friday night dinners to the deck.

But in as much as grilling and eating out are two exciting things to do, there are however 'uninvited' guests lingering around that prevent us from enjoying our meals to the fullest. These pesky mosquitoes not only can be very annoying, they can be health hazards too as they may carry the dreadful West Nile virus. I saw the
mosquito magnet review at and I was really impressed at how this mosquito magnet gadget works.

Like the testimonial from a guy who lives in a forest with lots of trees. They are usually swarmed with mosquitoes during the summer when they go out to their backyard. But with the use of a mosquito magnet, they are able to go out and enjoy their backyard. And I was surprised to see how much mosquitoes this mosquito magnet collected after a month and a half at work in their backyard, enough to eat them alive.

Since we've got tons of trees in our backyard as well, we also experience being attacked by pesky mosquitoes and bugs. This mosquito magnet is a very good investment, it will be a great help for us to enjoy our grilling and eating out in our backyard even more. Mosquito magnet will zap all the pesky mosquitoes and even bugs so our summer will be more fun and safe.


The Smile Award

This is a very long overdue tag from my blogger buddy Mize of Night Clicks. Mize is a terrific person and one of the sensible bloggers that I came to know through blogging.

This tag has a rule: Click copy/paste, type in your answers and tag four people in your lists. Don’t forget to change my answers to the questions with that of yours.

~ 4 places I go over and over: Hongkong, Canada, Philippines, New England states
~ 4 people who email me regularly: family, relatives, friends, and a lot of spammers.

~ 4 of my favorite places to eat: British Beer Company (English), Minerva (Indian), China Pearl(Chinese), Ginza (Japanese)
~ 4 places you’d rather be: Philippines; Victoria, BC; London, UK; Hongkong
~ 4 TV shows I could watch over and over: Home & Garden, Food TV Network, Health Channel, Discovery Channel


Monday, May 04, 2009

Student Loans and Financial Aid Resources

Sending our kids to college can be very tough, but it is the greatest achievement that all parents can accomplish. However, not all parents can afford to send their kids to college, so they look for financial aid resources or federal student loans to help pay for their children's education. To save parents the time, stress and confusion in looking for the right financial aid process, there is a company called Student Loan Network that can help them.

The Student Loan Network is one of the nation's fastest growing providers of student loans and related information. They have been in the business for more than 10 years and have helped students and their families access financial aid resources such as federal and private student loans, scholarships and consolidation funding for undergraduate, graduate and continuing education. The Student Loan Network is a member of Edvisors family of companies, a global leader in online education marketing and financial services.

Is There a Best Season for Potty Training?

Potty lore has it that summer is the best time (some members of the older generation would say the only time) to start teaching a toddler to use the toilet. And there's undeniably some wisdom to that tradition: A toddler who's dressed lightly (or better still, not dressed at all) has a better shot at making it to the potty in time than a toddler who's decked out in layers of winter wear.

But, seasonal considerations should take a back seat to toddler readiness. Spring, summer, winter, or fall, the best time to teach a toddler about toileting is when he or she is ready to learn. If your toddler turns out to be ready in the winter, keep the house a little warmer than usual so that he or she can run around lightly clad. The minimum amount of clothing will allow for maximum success with toileting.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Worry Free Stroll in the Yard

Wherever I go, there goes my little tot too. Now that the weather is getting warmer, I'm sure we will be spending a lot of times in the yard again. He just loves playing in the backyard while I do my gardening chores. But I worry about deer ticks that might be lingering around as we get few visits from deer looking for food in the woods.

I have a friend who has Lyme disease and her children got them too while she was pregnant with them. It is a horrible disease that makes them really sick. So I am just worried about my little tot getting this dreadful disease from the ticks brought by the deer while enjoying himself in the woods. To get my mind off worrying, I searched for information online to learn about deer control. I need to have some kind of deer repellent to make my backyard safe for my family especially my little tot.

I found this Havahart Deer Off II Battery Powered Sprayer that not only repel deer but rabbits and squirrels as well. So it means that I can also see my plants and vegetables bloom to the fullest and not be feasted on by these animals before I can even harvest them. The sprayer is very convenient to use and can be carried around without a problem. I love it that the deer off formula is safe to use in organic gardening as it is made from natural and food based ingredients. This also means that it will not harm the environment and I can use it directly on bulbs, plants, shrubs, and flowers. This is certainly a great buy to keep my plants alive, but mostly for my peace of mind.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Listening Tips for Parents & Caregivers

My little tot is always busy as a bee. He is very energetic and is always up to something. I'm sure moms out there can relate to me that it's hard sometimes (or most times) to settle down busy little tots to listen up. Listening takes practice - so does getting young children to listen. I found these tips on listening at the back of a book by Elizabeth Verdick, the author of Listening Time.

(Photo: I opened my little tot's bedroom and found him reading a book to his stuffed toys. Now he's talking to little puppy, as if saying "Listen.")

Use the following tips to help just one child or a group of toddlers settle down and listen up:
  • Be a listening role model - Try quiet, soothing tones when you speak to your child. Avoid shouting across the room - instead, use proximity (stand or kneel by your child) to get attention. You may wish to play soft music to create a relaxing atmosphere.

  • Use hand signals - Show how you can say "Quiet" without speaking a word - by placing a finger to your lips or tuggling your earlobes. You may also teach how hands can "talk" so mouths don't have to. For example, a child can tap a finger on your shoulder or raise a hand in the air to signal that she or he needs help.


Thursday, April 02, 2009

EC Top Dropper Day - March

Another month is over and it's time to acknowledge my top EC droppers once again. I really appreciate the time and effort that everybody is putting in, for consistently dropping their EC's here. But the following top ten droppers will get a special spot in my sidebar for a month with their links.

A Bug-Free Lawn

Spring is my favorite season of all. I refer to this season as the 'coming back to life' season. After a long cold winter, the trees and plants are sort of awaken from deep sleep and then will show-off their vibrant colors for every gardener's sight-seeing pleasure. I just love to get my fingers dirty digging up and freshening up my garden. It is always something to look forward to. But pests and bugs are also coming out of their hideout to feast on the plants. They are indeed every gardener's nemeses and even the professional ones are not exempted.

I love flowering trees and shrubs of any kind and every year we try to add a plant or two in the yard. But there are pesky insects that feed on these plants that more often prevent them from living longer. So it is frustrating to see that beautiful and expensive flowering trees and shrubs just die in no time. Anyway, I recently learned about a safer way to protect not only the trees and shrubs but also lawn, ornamentals and flowers from killer insects using an organic pest control called Safer Brand Bug Patrol. This organic bug patrol kills over 40 insects on contact. While it can kill different damaging insects, it is however safe and will protect the environment because it is organic. This product is very economical and convenient to use. You just attach the solution to the hose and you're ready to spray and kill both hard and soft bodied insects. Wow I can now imagine having a bug-free lawn.


Monday, March 16, 2009

What to Do When Kids Act Up

Finally winter is almost over, though it is sunny for most days but still a bit chilly, at least you don't need too much gear to put on anymore. When the weather was still very bitterly cold and tons of layers need to be put on especially with young kids, it is always a hassle going out of the house. It's so frustrating when we have to go somewhere and my son acts up and won't wear his winter jacket, boots, hat and mittens, not to mention he's arching his back sometimes when you sit him in his car seat too, whew! I would sometimes literally drag him just so we won't be late for an appointment. It's always hard to head out in time when things like this happen.

Here are some common problems that moms encounter everyday and suggested quick solutions:

  • PROBLEM: Your child screams uncontrollably when it's time to get dressed.
  • HOW ABOUT: Making it a matter of choice: "Do you want to wear a dress or jeans?
  • NO LUCK? TRY: A change of scenery. Getting dressed in the kitchen might be more fun
* * *
  • PROBLEM: Your child clamps her mouth shut at the sight of a spoon.
  • HOW ABOUT: Taking a bite yourself. It will look less like you're forcing something on her.
  • NO LUCK? TRY: Giving up - for now. She won't starve, so pick your battles.
* * *
  • PROBLEM: Your child refuses to share at a playdate
  • HOW ABOUT: Putting her leadership skills to work: say "Teach Kristen how to play with the toy."
  • NO LUCK? TRY: "Two more minutes, then it's Kristen's turn. Decide what to play with next.
* * *
  • PROBLEM: Your child won't go to bed.
  • HOW ABOUT: Letting her rest on the floor of her room.
  • NO LUCK? TRY: Turning off the lights and TV's. With no reason to stay up, she may go to sleep.
* * *

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Better Alternative to Getting Prescription Eyeglasses

I've been having headaches the past days. I thought that maybe it is due to my lack of sleep or I may have been staring at my computers too long. But even when I got rested already, the headache is still there. So I figured it might be that I need new glasses already. Well it's been almost a year now since I got my present eyeglasses and I wonder if I need a much stronger prescription this time. Oh geez, even if I have optical insurance, a pair of simple eyeglasses will still cost me too much. Especially that I add more features to them like anti-glare, anti-scratch, UV protection and more.

It 's good to know there is a better alternative I can go to online, it's called is an online prescription eyeglasses expert that offers Wide Selection of Eyeglasses at very affordable prices. It is committed to providing its customers with the best and most affordable prescription eyeglasses with high quality and stylish frames plus high index lens; anti scratch; UV protection; quality case and cleaning cloth. The site of Glasses Shop is very easy to navigate so you can right away find what you are looking for. The eyeglasses are arranged by categories like price range; frame styles; material; recommended eyeglasses; and gender. It also has prescription sunglasses and special glasses like bifocal or progressive.

One of the things that I liked about is its Virtual Try-On feature that allows you to actually see how a certain style of frame will look on models with similar shape of face as yours. Or you can also upload your own picture that shouldn't exceed 1MB and see how they would actually look on your face, how cool is that? Since my eye doctor appointment is coming up soon, then I can get my own prescription and order online for additional eyewear. I already have the style of frame in mind and ordering online is such an easy step. I'm glad to have learned about because with them I can afford to have more than one pair of prescription eyeglasses at a price even much lesser than only a pair I could get at my regular eye doctor's clinic. This is a welcome savings for a frugal mom like myself.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Quick and Easy Weight Loss Surgery

If you are obese and have tried different diet plans and exercise without any favorable result, you can perhaps consider an obesity surgery as another option to losing excess weight. LAP-BAND system is considered the safest and proven weight loss surgery. The procedure uses a laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding procedure that is completely reversible and adjustable for life. The laparoscopic surgery is performed by a lapband doctor on an outpatient basis, so you basically get a surgery in the morning and be discharged to go home a few hours later and enjoy the comforts of your own bed that night. Get a quick and easy weight loss with LAP-BAND

My Son's Favorite Bedtime Story

My son's favorite bedtime story is "Goodnight Moon". He actually has memorized the lines in the story, that whenever I read it, I will always pause and he supplies the missing words in the sentence. This book was a gift to him by a friend when he was 14 months old and until now it's still his favorite of all. I even memorized it myself, that even when he flips the pages ahead of me, I can still catch up. Here is how the story goes:

by Margaret Wise Brown

In the great green room, there was a telephone and a red balloon
And a picture of, the cow jumping over the moon
And there were three little bears sitting on chairs
And two little kittens and a pair of mittens
And a little toyhouse and a young mouse
And a comb, and a brush, and a bowl full of mush
And a quiet old lady who was whispering "hush"
Goodnight room
Goodnight moon
Goodnight cow jumping over the moon
Goodnight light and the red balloon
Goodnight bears
Goodnight chairs
Goodnight kittens and goodnight mittens
Goodnight clocks and goodnight socks
Goodnight little house and goodnight mouse
Goodnight comb and goodnight brush
Goodnight nobody
Goodnight mush
And goodnight to the old lady whispering "hush"
Goodnight stars
Goodnight air
Goodnight noises everywhere

The highlighted words above are the words that my son say himself while we read the book. Sometimes he would insist to read the book to me instead. And on the part of the 'old lady whispering hush' he would say it softly with his index finger on his lips. I just point to the pictures to encourage him to identify them. How about you, what's your son's or daughter's favorite bedtime story?

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Less is More For Busy Moms

For busy moms like myself, less is more. I want to simplify things so I can accomplish more. When shopping for example, I would rather do it online since I'm mostly online after my tot's bedtime anyway. That way I can hit two birds with one stone - doing some online work and shopping on the side wearing only my jammies. I don't need to take a trip to busy malls with an unpredictable tot in tow, and come home with only half of the things in my list. That is if I'm lucky. And when shopping online, I don't just shop at any shopping sites. I look for reliable sites that offer great deals as far as discounts and shipping are concerned. I find a very reliable and helpful site in the sense that it returns more results from different stores when you search for a particular product.

Like when I was looking for shoes the other day particularly running shoes for me and rain boots for my little tot, it gave me different stores that carry the style and features I wanted. So more stores means more options to compare and more savings in the process. The way ShopWiki works is it crawls and seeks out every store on the internet the same way as Google works. So unlike the traditional online sites that will only show stores that have paid for placement, ShopWiki will give more information regardless of whether they earn anything from it. Not only that, the best feature that I find very useful at ShopWiki is the Buying Guide they offer that you won't find in other sites. Aside from results I got from searching for shoes, I also got the top picks, video reviews, foot type, shoe types, controversy, insoles, quick tips, major manufacturers, related buying guides, external links and related searches. Basically you won't go to any other sites anymore to get more information, you can find everything at ShopWiki already.

So to my fellow budget conscious and practical moms out there, or to future wives and moms searching for wedding shoes, ShopWiki is our one stop shop in the net.

Friday, March 06, 2009

It's Not Easy Being a Woman

I'm sure a lot of women will agree with me that it's not easy being a woman. There are so many situations that we have to deal with at every stages of womanhood. Like the discomforts of menstrual period; the risk of pregnancy; the pain of child birth; hormonal imbalance; post-partum depression; the pain of going through mammogram procedure; hot flushes and vaginal dryness caused by menopause and so on and so forth. Add to that the challenges and sacrifices of rearing a family 24/7 without monetary compensation. I just wonder why some men would even have the heart to hurt women considering all these.

Who Wants to Be an XML Grand Master?

If you are a student or professional well-versed in XML; database technology; or hardcore programming skills in DB2, here's your chance to be recognized for your skills and win fabulous prizes at the same time. There are 5 contests you can register for and each xml contest has separate recognition and sets of prizes in store. Before you can participate, you first need to take a Quick Quiz once. You will earn participation points for each entry that you make. And whoever garners the most participation points will be crowned as the "XML Grand Master".

Register now for one of the following contests:
  • Video Contest - Invent a creative use of XML, XQuery or DB2 and record yourself doing it
  • Gadget Contest - Develop a downloadable gadget or widget leveraging DB2
  • Query Contest - Use XQuery to find 5 answers. The best queries win the best prizes.
  • Ported App Contest - Port or develop a new app for DB2. Enter as an individual or assemble a team.
  • XML Contest - Win by building useful, user-friendly XML apps from scratch. Enter as an individual or assemble a team.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

If I Were to Put Up a Restaurant

I love eating at diners. I guess they are the only place not affected so much by recession. Everytime I drive by the local diner close to us, the parking is always full and there is a long queue of patrons waiting outside despite the cold weather. So if I were to put up my own restaurant, I would love to do a diner. Diner foods are normally easy and simple and not at all expensive. And what better furniture to go with simple inexpensive dishes but tables and chairs that are not too fancy either. At, there are a wide selection of commercial Restaurant tables to choose from. I found a specific style of furniture at that will perfectly go with the style I'm envisioning my dream diner would look like. I would go for the aluminum table tops and chairs because they are very easy to clean and maintain, and they will definitely last longer. is a great resource of stylish seatings of great value. It is a very helpful site for restaurant entrepreneurs who are looking for chairs, tables, and stools of different finish. At, there is really one style that will fit everyone's needs.

Would You Consider Plastic Surgery?

If you were to ask me if I would consider plastic surgery, my answer is no. I am very contented with the body I'm born with even if it has many imperfections. But just for the sake of argument, if I had one thing in my body that I want to alter, it would be my tummy. When I became a mom, exercise was the farthest thing from my mind. I want a quick transformation of a flabby tummy into a flatter one. I would take a quicker route to do a make-over and hire a competent and reputable Cosmetic Surgeon in an instance. But I read that not everybody is a good candidate for certain surgery, so it pays to get reliable Cosmetic Surgery Advice before even considering to get one. I found that MYA Cosmetic Surgery Forum has informative discussions relating to cosmetic surgery that will hopefully enlighten the questions that are boggling my mind. So if you are seriously considering a nip tuck, get free plastic surgery advice at Make Yourself Amazing Cosmetic Surgery forum.

Practical Buy at Hard Economic Times

If you haven't heard about ZenniOptical by now, I don't know where you have been hiding. ZenniOptical is all over the news and it was recently featured at New York Times. ZenniOptical offers stylish prescription eyeglasses that only cost from as low as $8. Unbelievable but true. This is a very practical buy especially at this hard economic times. Like in my situation where I can't function without my prescription eyeglasses, ZenniOptical is the great choice to get my eyeglasses from without breaking my bank. It has a wide selection of stylish and quality frames with single vision lens, sunsensor (potochromic) lens, tinted sunglasses lens, bifocal lens and progressive lens. I need new pair of eyeglasses every year which cost me at least $135. Those are without any add-on features and it can go up to as much as $285 depending on the features I want.

Why do you think ZenniOptical can offer these glasses at very low prices? Well it's because no middlemen are involved, they manufacture their own frames and sell directly to their customers so then they can afford to sell them for much less. And they don't have any advertising expenses so nothing is being passed on to the consumers anymore.
With ZenniOptical I can afford to even have spare eyeglasses and still not spend as much as I have been spending. And if that is still not a bargain, I can purchase as many pairs as I want and just pay $4.95 flat shipping charges. What a great deal!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Durable Yet Affordable Shutters

Our house is already 15 years old and I must say it needs a few retouching here and there. We had the exterior wall repainted twice already and I guess this year might be a good time to do another one. The exterior shutters might also need replacement if not repainting. This is a major project that we are thinking of doing this year so I'm on the lookout again for great deals. I saw a site called Larson Shutter Company that carries a large selection of exterior shutters. I didn't know there are so many different kinds of shutters available which are not found in the local home centers. I would go for the durable, care-free shutters that will last longer because they are fade resistance and can withstand environmental extremes. These features and more are found at at very affordable prices and with factory direct free shipping deal now through the end of year for online purchases.

A Disney Vacation

I've got tons of photos I took of our vacations within US and overseas. I am quick to upload them to my online albums but not quick enough to arrange them on separate files. I really need to sit down for it and also make backup copies on CD's. I just couldn't seem to find the time to do it continuously. There is always a distraction everytime I try to do it. Anyway, the other day while going through some of the photos, my son was beside me watching me the whole time. I played a slideshow of our Orlando vacations for him and he got so excited to see the pictures of Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters taken at Disney World. Oh why wouldn't he be? I was so excited myself when I was there with my then boyfriend hb. I enjoyed every minute I was there, and the child in me surfaced. Hopefully in two more years when my son is old enough to appreciate Disney World, we can take time off and travel back with him.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Show Off Your Curves

Who said that beautiful only means women who wear size 0 to 1? Well just leave that illusions to the entertainment world. The reality of life is that there are more plus size women than the 'anorexic' type. Well pardon my word, but I prefer voluptuous and healthy looking women than the very thin sickly look types, though I don't belong to either one of the types. If you can carry an outfit with confidence then it doesn't matter whether they are inexpensive, what matters most is that you are comfortable and can present yourself very well. If you are a plus size woman and are looking for sexy styles, casual looks and the latest in fashion trends, visit for a wide range of womens plus size clothing that will compliment your curves. There are also plus size clothing for plus size girls and teens. I like most of the outfits in the site but I like the outerwear most of all because they are very trendy yet affordable. Actually all the items in the site from dressy tops to casual tops, dresses, leggings, pants and skirts are very affordable. There is a very informative size chart to guide women on the correct measurement when they order online. If regular prices are not affordable enough, they still have Sale Rack where you can find items that are really very tempting for their great deals. By the way shipping is free for all orders over $100. Another great site that I won't hesitate recommending to all my readers.

Only the Best For Our Furry Son

Pets like dogs and cats are considered members in today's modern family. Small toy dogs are even clothed with fancy outfits that match their carrier bag. We have that special bond and connection with our pets that the only thing lacking is to be able to claim them as dependents in our tax return. Yeah no kidding. When we had our pet dog, we spent a lot on his medication, grooming and food like you wouldn't believe. And when we went on vacation like we always did in the summers, we left our dog in the care of a trusted well-known Kennel for at least two weeks and we paid extra for each day he spent with dog walkers. Well my point is, when you have a pet that you care for just like you would a real son, you will only give him the best of anything.

The American Animal Care Center located in Fremont, CA is an example of an animal hospital I would take my dog to because it's a state of the art animal hospital dedicated to enhance and expand the human-animal bond. They have very knowledgeable and well-informed veterinary specialists who are most of all compassionate and can offer any possible veterinary care to our pets. That's the ideal place to take our pets to and I wouldn't settle for anything less. If you live in the Bay Area and you want committed professional health care for your pets like dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, chinchillas, hamsters, gerbils, mice, rats, turtles, and iguanas, you can stay connected with the American Animal Care Center through American Animal Care Center Flickr or American Animal Care Center Twitter. Our dear pets are part of our family so don't entrust their health care to just anybody, I would use the American Animal Care Center.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Teaching Toddlers to Protect the Environment

It's never too early to teach our young children to be conscious about the environment. In fact we should expose them as early as they can comprehend to the idea of protecting the planet that we live in. Afterall, they are the very persons and the generations after them who will benefit from a cleaner and healthier environment that we will create today. My son, like any other toddler likes to imitate a lot. He always wants to do just about anything that he sees I'm doing. I've got quite a bit of house plants around the house and in my garden window. Whenever he sees me watering them, or removing dried leaves he would really insist to do the same. From time to time I encounter unwelcome insects attacking my plants. I use organic soap to get rid of them and not the synthetic chemicals that lingers in and around the house that is bad for the health.

Spring and summer are my two most favorite seasons of all. It's because I can spend more time out in the lawn and get my hands dirty again. My son enjoys doing garden work with me, in fact he has his own garden tools as well. I normally plant different annuals to add to my perennials. I love the beautiful blend of colors they create. But this year, I will try my hand in planting vegetables too like tomatoes. I will buy this organic tomato growing kit that I saw at site. It includes stakes to support the vegetables as they grow and organic solution to kill the garden pests that can harm the vegetable crops. I use organic fertilizer that has the dual function of stimulating growth of the plants and also killing the weeds in the process. It's pays to use organic gardening products that are not only very effective to fight gardening pest problems but also won't harm our environment. I hope to instill in my son the love for gardening and the value of protecting the environment.

EC Top Dropper Day - February

A big thank you to all the 25 top droppers for the month of February. As usual the top 10 droppers will get a special spot on my sidebar to display their widgets and links for the whole month of March.


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tips and Ideas for Easter Celebration

Aside from Christmas day, Easter Sunday is another exciting holiday that kids and adults alike enjoy to celebrate. The day before Easter, I scatter colorful plastic Easter eggs filled with candies and goodies around the house that my son will excitedly hunt on Easter day. On Easter morning, we start our celebration by going to church wearing our Sunday's best. Then we take our son to a nearby bookstore for Easter Egg Hunting and Easter Story Reading activities. Afterwards, we will have lunch at our fave restaurant. Other than this usual Easter tradition, this year I am introducing Easter craft activities for my son to do. He just loves to paint and color so I'm sure this will be an exciting craft project to tackle especially so that he can appreciate the exercise already. I found a very interesting site called that not only gives great ideas for egg hunting; egg decorations; Easter crafts and more, but it also gives ideas and tips for easy and creative Easter dinner menu; ideas for easter decorations and Easter party games. I might invite some of my son's friends over for a fun craft activity and I will try the recipe on Easter cupcakes at How about you, do you have any family tradition to celebrate Easter?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Outer Banks Vacation Rentals

We've been to North and South Carolina in the summer of 2005 to see my best friend and her family and also to visit my sister-in-law and family. We didn't have our son then yet. I would love to go back again so my friends and in-laws will meet our little tot. We are looking at staying in a beach home in one of the Outer Banks rentals for a great view and also to save money. It would be a great vacation experience to just sit and relax in a well-maintained home overlooking the beach.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Nose Blowing

I can't count anymore how many times my son has got cold this winter. And right now he's got it again. It started over the weekend then was aggravated when we went to Boston on Monday. It was always colder in Boston, freezing and windy. When we got home he was really congested. My son hates the nose suction. I am always wrestling with him whenever I try to suction his nose. No matter how hard I try to explain to him that it won't hurt, he will still staunchly resist despite feeling uncomfortable with stuffiness.

Anyway, I've been teaching him how to blow his nose, but he's always breathing in instead of out. Here's what I read about teaching toddlers how to blow. Practice when your child is well by having him or her play at blowing over a feather or a light scrap of paper. Then when the nose gets stuffy, have your child blow directly into a tissue.

Payday Loan For Immediate Financial Needs

Despite the recent negative write-ups about payday loans, many people still find them as the last resort that can bail them out of their immediate financial trouble. is a unique site that has a large network of payday loan and cash advance lenders that may be able to help loan applicants. What it does is to find lenders for 99% of applicants and not to lend money based on applicant's current financial situation. Your loan application will be presented in a secure manner to network of payday loan lenders nationwide so you are in best position to get a loan. Payday loan is your best bet to get you through your immediate financial woes.

Wish of Going Back to Work Again

Before I had my son, I was in the middle of reviewing for the US CPA board exams to further my career. But when my son came, everything changed. My dream of a promising career took a backseat to motherhood and everything else. Being a mom is one tough job, maybe even tougher than the corporate undertaking I handled in the past. It is a job that entails 24/7 attention to details. You are on-call anytime of the day. You are not only a mother but also a wife at the same time. And you have to keep the house in order and running for both your child and husband. In the tough economic situation we are in right now, I am seriously considering going back to work again. Although it will break my heart to leave my son in the care of other people while I'm at work, it's a decision I still need to make sooner or later. I'm considering taking on part-time banking jobs for the time being so I wouldn't be away from my son for long. It will help me transition into the work force slowly but surely since I've been away from it for quite a long time. Hopefully my job hunting will produce positive results.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Planning Trips Made Easy

Traveling is one of the things that my hb and I enjoy doing. Every year we really set aside travel budget and we are normally away for at least two weeks. We have been to different places outside and within the United States. We have quite a lot of books about travel guides, and I would say they are good investments for people who love to travel. It makes travel easier to plan when you have one of these books and you can maximize your vacation time. The most recent trip we had as a couple minus our son, was in England and we enjoyed this trip tremendously. We stayed in a hotel at the very busy and exciting downtown London conveniently located across a train station. For a week we combed through different famous tourist spots; ate in well-known restaurants and pampered ourselves with lots of souvenirs. If we're not busy sight-seeing, Border bookstores were our favorite destination. Both hb and I love to read and we enjoyed the extensive selection of books at Borders. We actually took home some souvenir books and hb ordered some text books online. Check out borders jan 2009 at to find great deals not only on books but also on CD's, DVD's, magazine subscriptions and more with free shipping to store.

A Dog Is a Toddler's Best Friend

We once had a Boykin Spaniel named Laddie. Laddie was like a son to my hb and I, we referred to him as our furry son. He was a very friendly and smart dog, and everybody loved him especially the kids. My hb had him when he was still a pup and he was the center of his attention. Laddie used to sleep in his bed at night and on the couch at daytime. But when we got married, I changed the rule. I bought Laddie one of those pet beds that we put beside our bed on the floor and it took a while for Laddie to get used to using it. He was whining at night trying to get up on the bed, but we stick to the rule and he did just fine.

I'm glad that when my son came, Laddie was still alive. A dog can not only be a toddler's best friend, it can also be his best learning tool. This is true of pets in general, but especially true of dogs. From a dog, a young child can learn about animals and nature, about responsibility, about empathy, about getting along with others, about unconditional love and loyalty. A toddler can help with the care and feeding of a dog, a welcome role reversal for one who is usually on the receiving end and everyone else's caregiving. He can count on his dog to be there for him when he needs it or wants it; unlike parents, dogs are hardly ever too busy for a cuddle or a romp. And since dogs, especially young ones, like to run, jump, frisk, and frolic just as toddler do, they can join in the toddler games for which parents often lack energy or enthusiasm.

I wish our furry dog was still alive now that my son is old enough to care for him. But my son still remembers him when he looks at his old photos. They had a good time together and I'm pretty sure Laddie taught our son to have compassion for animals.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Preserving Precious Jewelries

When I was still single, I used to have a special fascination for necklaces. Necklaces were my best friends. I've got quite a few pieces of yellow gold and white gold necklaces as well as fashion jewelry ones with matching earrings. I worked in a client-oriented environment, so I really dressed-up and accessorized. Necklaces were part of my regular accessories. I wore them all the time and I felt like something was missing if I didn't have one hanging around my neck. Even when I was not working anymore, I still wore my necklaces until I've got a baby. Having a very curious baby became impossible for me to keep any neck wear in place. My son's attention was always drawn on my necklaces and he would grab them; clasp them real tight and put them in his mouth. They would almost break at most time he did that. And so for practical reason and for my peace of mind, I just stopped wearing them. But my love for necklaces and beautiful pendants still remains.

Now that my son is a little bit older and can comprehend well already, I am beginning to wear my favorite pieces again. My love for jewelry had taught me how to care and preserve them properly. Cleaning jewelries all depends on what kind they are. Diamonds, pearls and gemstones require different cleaning treatment that you usually can just do yourself. But some very precious ones should only be trusted to professional cleaners. I don't use abrasive chemicals to remove grimes on my jewelries as they will certainly damage them. I only use warm water with detergent soap to clean my diamonds to get the natural sparkle and shine back. But with my pearls I use gentle baby soap instead.

I also store my precious pieces in a big jewelry box with separate compartments and very soft lining to avoid scratching. The box also has a lock to secure the jewelries from the prying eyes and curious hands of my little tot. Oh believe me, one second I turned my back one time, he had already scooped out some of my pieces and put them in his cup of milk. One of my earrings' locks popped out and until now I haven't found it yet. So I learned my lesson and always keep my jewelry box locked.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Special Month

February is a very special month for my hb and I. Not only is it the month of love, it is also our anniversary month. We are celebrating our 7th year anniversary on Monday, February 16th. Having an anniversary close to Valentine's Day has a downside and upside to it. The downside is, I only receive one gift. But the upside though is, the gift is usually more special. I'm not sure if I will still push through with the luxury watch that I'm hoping to get this year. I feel guilty having to splurge on anything given the present economic situation. I don't even feel like going out again on an intimate dinner like we always do. I'm thinking of just making a special dinner for the two of us plus our little tot. The previous years, we had our girlfriend baby sat for us so my hb and I could go out on a date again. It's not very often that hb and I go out just the two of us, but I guess we can do without it at the moment.

My Tot's Routine Before Bedtime

The little guy in the family has dominated most of our rooms with his toys, books and little tot's stuffs. I used to have the bulk of his toys in the family room and then some in his room. But I decided to move all his toys to the family room and just leave the books and educational toys in his bedroom. I even moved his table and chairs and some art supplies to his room. This way he can concentrate on reading and learning and not get distracted with other toys. We have quiet time together and read or browse through all the books he is interested in. His potty is also in his bedroom, so he is always with a book when he's using it. I am planning to buy some lighting fixtures online that I will put close to his table and chairs because he likes doing some artwork too at night. He has this habit of going through all three areas in his room before finally retiring to bed - the book shelf; the table and chairs with all his art supplies and the toy bin with his wooden educational toys. Setting a special time and place for reading without any interruptions will develop your child's interest and love for reading.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Colic Relief on Infants and Newborns

It is common for all babies to have gas, but some babies simply have more gas. than the others. I remember when my niece, the daughter of my only sister was born, she was always crying desperately. And being a first time mom, my sister was so worried and anxious. She had a very difficult pregnancy and was on bed rest her whole term. She thought that after giving birth (by C-section) she could have some sort of relief, but not really. My niece was a colic baby, she was pretty much crying all the time because of gassiness, and it was frustrating for both mommy and daughter.

Where does gas come from and how does it get into the babies' digestive systems? There are many possible reasons for infant gassiness. As soon as a baby has his/her first drink of breast milk or formula, gas is produced in their digestive tract. Baby gas is a natural by-product of digesting lactose, proteins and other nutrients contained in breast milk or formula. Normally, gas in not a problem and causes no pain or discomfort because it is quickly and easily pushed through the digestive system. But a baby's digestive function is literally still learning to function and the muscles supporting the digestion have not developed the proper rhythm yet for moving food efficiently through the digestive tract. Gas pockets can get trapped in the upper and lower intestines that cause painful bloating and swelling in the abdomen. Baby reflux or simply the backward flow of stomach content is also common to babies. It involves regurgitation or spitting up after some feedings whether fed by bottle or breast. Spitting up is prevalent between 1 to 4 months of age and will usually resolve by 6 to 12 months.

Colic is one of the most agonizing experiences imaginable. I've seen how my niece suffered and it was very painful too for my sister to see her baby suffered not knowing what to do to ease the pain. Since I had my own son, I read through many natural remedies for colic at, like listening to soothing music/sound; watching the baby's diet; taking gripe water; having warm aromatherapy bath/massages; swaddling; doing comforting motion like rocking, walking and driving around. Parents should just practice the art of trial and error to see what will work best to help relieve their children from colic.

Asking for Trouble

It's hard to reason out to a tired toddler, you will just waste your time and energy talking without getting through him.

One Sunday we went to the 12 noon mass in our church. I know the timing was not right as it was so close to nap time but we still went anyway. I don't usually do outing close to naptime, but we didn't have a choice at that time. Anyway, my son was behaved for the first part of the celebration just sitting quietly while browsing through his books. And then he got bored, got up and wanted to walk around. Walking around quietly is just fine I guess since we were in the crying room of the church anyway. Crying room is where parishioners with young kids are encouraged to stay so as not to disrupt the celebration. But my son was also making noises stomping his feet or jumping up and down, I guess to entertain himself. The more you tell him to stop the more he'd make the motion faster and louder. Or he would lay on his stomach on a pew and swing his legs up and down, making loud noise as he dropped the tip of his shoes on the pew. Any distractions I tried were completely futile.
And when I scooped him up back to our pew, he'd scream and wiggle out.

Then the time to leave came and he didn't want to put his jacket, hat and gloves on. He was arching his back and crying desperately. So I just did it his way, I carried him and just covered him with his jacket and left. Halfway back to the house, the poor kid dozed off in his car seat, he was really tired.

Kids tell us something from their actions. They can be very sweet and cheerful cherubs one minute and transforms into an unreasonable wailing 'monster' next. Timing is really important. As much as I can avoid it, I won't take my son out to eat in a restaurant, or attend church, or do any outing close to naptime or bedtime, because it would be like calling for trouble. What is your strategy with

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Traveling with a Toddler

I remember the very first time we traveled by plane with an infant, it was not a lot of fun. Imagine an 18 hour plane ride, one-way, not to count the two stop-overs too. It was at that time when airport security was so strict. My son was only 13 months old and still in a stroller. Every time we had to check in, I had to take him out of the stroller and carry him in one arm; fold and put the stroller in the security conveyor using my other arm; remove my belt and shoes; and put them together with my carry-ons on the conveyor. After getting through I had to put everything back again, you get the picture. It was exhausting.

On the plane, my son was behaved for the some part but was very restless and crying at most, and usually during the time when everybody was sleeping. To top it all, he was having diarrhea and we had to go back and forth to the lavatory. And without exaggeration, my husband and I had cold too. We were coughing and sneezing on the plane. We got that from the Philippines due to change of weather
. Anyway, after that eventful plane ride, both my hb and I decided not to travel anytime soon, not until our son is big enough to travel and carry his own Swiss Army luggage. Nah! Actually we're planning another trip to the Philippines this year and I want to make this trip a fun one for everybody. My son is now 2 1/2 years so it wouldn't be so bad, would it? Well, I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed ;-).

Here are 13 useful tips when traveling by plane with an infant or toddler:

  1. Book early - If you can, get your tickets well in advance - this allows you to choose the flight and the seats you want.
  2. Travel at off-peak times - The less crowded a flight is, the more comfortable you will be, the better the service will be, and the less your toddler's behavior will affect other passengers.


Saturday, January 31, 2009

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Win Cash , EC Credits, Blog Layout and More!!!

My 2 blogs Random Thoughts and A Moment to Exhale are celebrating their 1st Blogversary in February. And to celebrate such milestone, I am giving-away lots of prizes with the help of some generous sponsors. The contest will run from January 25 until February 10, 2009.

If you want to win any of the prizes below, visit my blog Random Thoughts now to join, you have 10 different ways to enter in the contest. The more entries you make the more chances you have to win.

1st PRIZE -
$25 - c/o Random Thoughts
Customized Blog Layout (blogger platform) c/o My Web-Blog Designs
1 Swarovsky Bracelet c/o Yen's Handmades [Click here to see the ITEM]
$20 + 2000 EC credits c/o Windmill on the Hill
$10 + 500 EC credits c/o My Life's Journey to Success
$10 + 500 EC credits c/o Things I Did Not Know Before
$10 + 500 EC credits c/o Unique Ideas For Your Beach Weddings

2000 - EC credits + 1 month 125x125 ad space c/o Night Clicks
1000 - EC credits + 1 month 125x125 ad space c/o NetFreeSource
3000 - EC credits c/o Random Thoughts
1 month 125x125 ad space c/o Dashing Beauty
1 month 125x125 ad space c/o Tales of a Pinay Single Mommy
1 Photo Pop Art Make-over c/o Sweety Tots