Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Helping Your Child To Read

Learning to read is the cornerstone of every child's education. By reading aloud and teaching your child in a way that is a pleasure for both of you, you will be sharing one of life's most valuable gifts and open all kinds of doors for the future.

Here are some tips on making the most of reading with your child:
  1. Choose a time and place where you can be quiet and give your child lots of attention. Make the occasion a special time.
  2. Turn off any distractions such as TV, music CDs, radios.
  3. When your are reading aloud, show that you are enjoying yourself.
  4. Involve your child. Let yourself be interrupted with questions; talk about what your think of the story and the pictures.
  5. When your child has started learning to read, follow the text and encourage him/her to point to the words as you along.
  6. Establish a routine. Try to devote some time everyday to reading.
  7. Take your child to your local library and involve him or her in choosing books.
  8. Notice what kinds of stories your child enjoys and look out for ones with similar themes.
  9. When you are reading aloud, praise your child for listening well and sitting still. When your child is learning to read for you, give praise and encouragement too, but be sure gently to correct your child when he or she makes mistakes.
  10. Help build your child's vocabulary and memory skills by supplementing reading sessions with audio books on car journeys and after meals or at bedtime. Audio books are especially helpful in building memory skills and supporting the learning of dyslexic and autistic children.
Sharing your child's journey into reading can be one of the most rewarding experiences of parenthood. You owe it to your child, and to yourself, to make it a priority in your daily life.


  1. Mira, kumusta? I enjoiy reading about reading, and I think shutting off the television is unnecessary. I would rather not have on in the firsty place. Have a good day

  2. one good thing that would get your child reading is seeing the same interest in the people around him. i love to read and so does my whole family. my childhood was spent reading on lazy saturday and sunday afternoons with my lolo and papa ;-)

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