In their hearts we find its meaning.
Merry Christmas to one and all!

If you wake up before the alarm goes off, don't pull the pillow over your head for more shut-eye. We sleep in 90-minute cycles, from a deep sleep into a light one and back again. So if you doze off, you'll probably be jerked awake by the alarm just as you're entering deeper sleep - which translates to major crankiness.
(0-4 Years Old)
(3-6 Years Old)
(4-8 Years Old)
(6-10 Years Old)
(8-14 Years Old)
This is just too cute not to show around. Follow these tips and you will surely live a healthier and happier life ;-). Have fun reading.
1.)Brush twice a day!
2.)Dress right for the weather.
3.)Visit the dentist regularly.
4.)Get plenty of rest.
5.)Make sure your hair is dry before going outside.
6.)Eat right.
7.)Get outside in the sun every once in a while.
8.)Always wear a seatbelt.
9.)Control your drinking of alcoholic beverages.
10.)Smile! It will make you feel better.
11.)Don't over indulge yourself.
12.)Bathe regularly.
13.)Read to exercise the brain.
14.)Surround yourself with friends.
15.)Stay away from too much caffeine.
16.)Use the bathroom regularly.
17.)Get plenty of exercise.
18.)Have your eyes checked regularly.
19.)Eat plenty of vegetables.
20.)Believe that people will like you for who you are.
21.)Forgive and forget.
22.)Take plenty of vacations.
23.)Celebrate all special occasions.
24.) Pick up a hobby.
25.)Love your neighbor as yourself.
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