My son loves eating most fruits and I'm glad. He likes eating bananas, cantaloupes, honey dew, grapes, oranges, apples and more. I've seen people peeling the grapes before giving them to their kids, I don't. I usually give grapes and apples without peeling them. But which fruits and vegetables can be eaten with their peel on?
APPLE - Don't peel. An apple with its peel provides almost twice as much fiber, 50% more vitamin A, and 25% more potassium as one without it. Just wash the apple first.
CUCUMBER - Peel. Most of the cucumber's fiber comes from the seeds, and you won't lose too much potassium, either. That hard-to-wash-off waxy coating is there mainly to slow down ripening.
CARROT - Peel. The texture of unpeeled carrots can be a turnoff, and peeling wn't cost you much potassium, vitamin A, or fiber.
PEACH- Don't peel. The flesh and the skin are packed with vitamins A and C, potassium, and fiber. If the fuzz is adeal breaker, try nectarines, which have the same nutrients and fiber.
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