Friday, March 28, 2008

A Tag of Friendship

I got this tag from Lanie

~~Begin Copy~~

I have randomly selected other bloggers below to be tagged and I hope that you will similarly publish this post in your blog. You will have to add your link in the end of the list and tag other bloggers and just keep adding on to the list. (Do not replace, just keep on adding Tag others . This is the easy way and the fastest way to

1. Make your Authority Technorati explode.

2. Increase your Google Page Rank fast.

3. Get more traffic to your blog.

4. Makes more new friends.

5. Build your community

Rules :

1. Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog. (for bloggers paste on the "compose" not the "edit html" part in posting blogs so it will be linked automatically).

2. Put your own blog name and link.

3. Tag your friends as much as you can.

1. Picturing of Life 2. Juliana’s Site,a 3. Hazel-My Life, My Hope, My Future. 4. Jeanne-The Callalily Space 5.My Family is my Life 6. The Simple Life of a Baghag 7. On A Wonderful Day Like Today 8. House Everything, a 9. The Creativity in Me 10. Travel and Photography 11. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 12. Nora’s Notes 13. Noras Family Treasures 14. Fil-Oz Blog 15. What A World 16. More on Health 17. Everyday Life 18.Pinaywifespeaks 19. Pinaywife Atbp. 20. Laugh Out Loud 21. Life’s Lessons 22. Kerslyn’s Comfort Zone23. Borski and Nai 24. M A R I K I T, 25. Jan April, 26. Random Thoughts 27.the long journey of my life 28. Life's Journey, 29. Wonderful Life, 30. Gen's Palace, 31. Moments I Treasure, 32. Trails N Life, 33. Life Has Began, 34. Simply Amazing, 35. Amazing Life, 36 Sorrounded Everything, 37. Alot To Offer, 38. Travel Blog, 39. Fascinating Life, 40. Blogger Spider Man, 41. Creative in Me 42. Little Peanut 43. Me and Mine 44. Sugar Magnolias-45. Clark & Butchay's Blog 46. Me, Myself and I ; 47. coffeenchoclate; 48 Lisgold;49. A Piece of Idea 50. StupidWise 51. WriteShy 52. Foods Galore 53. Simply Pets 54. A Day to Savor and Relish 55. Simply SEO 56. Celebrity Smash 57. Simply Blogging 58. Simplycatsy Blogs 59. My Online Diary 60. Time of Respite

I will pass this tag on to Vk, Ligaya and Amor

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Featured Friends

My blog was featured as one of the top 5 picks of the week by Barb and I have to do the same for other 5 friends.

When you feature your friends' blogs, you will help increase (hopefully) their page rank and yours. You can read more on this here and here. So if you want to help friends, keep the ball rolling, make your own 5 featured friends and keep them for 1 week. To return the favor, include the link or name of the person who has featured you.

1. Butchay is one of my featured friends.
2. So when Butchay will make her featured friends for the week, she has to include my name and she will pick 4 more from her own list of friends.
3. She will inform ALL her featured friends to keep the ball rolling.

If you use Blogger, you can add your featured friends using the new page element 'Link List'.

My Featured Friends Blogs are:
Barb's Definitely Maybe
Clark and Butchay's Blog
Deborah's Kiss Me Quick
Dana & Debbie's Fil-Am Journey
Kookie's BrownEyedKookie

Fill Me In

It seems that this particular blog of mine is only intended for all the tags I received from friends. Here is another one I got from a new online friend, Butchay.

I AM… What I Am! What you see is what you get.

I WANT… to make a difference and give positive influence to everyone.

I HAVE… a loving and supportive husband and family.

I WISH… I could be in one place at the same time so I can be with everyone I love.

I HATE… hypocrites, show-off, all-bark-and-no-bite people; people without regard for other people's time

I FEAR… of height and being in small narrow spaces (I'm claustrophobic)

I SEARCH… inexpensive but high quality merchandise, I'm on a look-out for budget extender all the time.

I WONDER… why some people don't have a little bit of conscience when they inflict harm on others

I REGRET… being very career oriented and not getting married younger. I could have more children.

I LOVE… God, my family, and friends

I ALWAYS… attend First Friday masses.

I AM NOT… very disciplined when it comes to sleeping on time and getting some rest.

I DANCE… every time I hear dance tunes

I SING… children's songs with my son all the time now, lol.

I CRY… easily when I watch sad movies, or think about my loved ones away from me.

I WRITE… anything from the heart

I WON… $2 from scratch ticket, hopefully bigger next time, lol.

I AM CONFUSED… when talking to most fast food teenager staffs here - they talk fast and to themselves

I NEED… to take a break and think more about my health

I SHOULD… get my scrapbooking started

THE LAST THOUGHT YOU GO TO SLEEP WITH IS… thank God for all the graces received for that day; pray for all my loved ones to be kept from all harm and danger; and pray for another wonderful day ahead.

I know I started this again quite late so most probably everyone has done this already. But let me try my luck and pass this on to Lutchi and Loannah,

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Links Around The World

I've been tagged several times this week, this one is from Barb again, lol. Hindi na ko nakauna sa iyo Barb ;-)

Let us all help each other out by doing each and everyone a little favor… Building our Technorati ranks and probably our Google page rank! How? By doing this tag!

I am making this not only to build up my own blog, but of course, to build up yours as well! So tag along, and lend us your helping hands.

Disclosure: The image was taken from a very informative site about parenting:

^_^ Start copying here: ^_^

This is the Links Around The World Tag.
1. Momhood Moments
2.Business Mars
8. placestoplaces
9. Definitely Maybe!
10. Not Another Blog!
11. Time of Respite
^_^ End copying here ^_^

I'm passing this tag to my suki Loannah, lol, Ricka, Sweetiepie and Sexymom.

Friday, March 07, 2008

6 Quirky Things About Myself

I got a tag from my friend Amy to write 6 quirky things about myself. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines QUIRK as a peculiar trait; idiosyncrasy - a peculiarity of constitution or temperament; an individualizing characteristics or quality; individual hypersensitiveness (as to drugs or food)

The rules:
Link to the person that tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Share six unimportant things/habits/quirks about your self. Tag 6 random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. Let these random people know that they are tagged by leaving comments in their blog. Let your tagger know when your entry is up.

6 Quirky Things about myself
"Every man had his own quirks and twists" (Harriet Beecher Stowe)

Here are my quirks:

1. I can hardly tolerate food with ginger but love green tea with ginger.

2. I am claustrophobic and have fear of height - my husband missed some rides and featured attractions in Disney World because I was too scared to be in them.

3. I would go to a mall with a list of things to buy and come home with different items in the bag, mostly kitchen wares and anything for the house.

4. I love to organize and rearrange furnitures in the house every so often to avoid monotony.

5. It takes a while for me to get things done around the house but if I have company coming or party to be hosted, I can flip the house in a heartbeat.

6. I am very direct and confrontational when the situation calls for it.

Now I am tagging the following to do the same.

Deborah, Loannah, Marilyn, Lutchi, Inday Fe and Lucille

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Tags From Friends

Thanks to my friends Loannah, Amy and Lanie for these awards/tags.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Tag From Barb

I've been tagged again by my good friend Barb, it gives me something to think about ;-) Sorry for not doing this right away, it took me a while to think about it, lol, just kidding.

4 Jobs I've Had (in order)-
- Bank Manager
- Public Accountant
- Tax Professional
- Stay-at-home mom

4 Movies Watched Over and Over -
- The American President
- Sabrina (the one with Julia Ormond)
- While You Were Sleeping
- Pretty Woman

4 Places I Would Rather Be -
- Toronto, ON
- Victoria, BC
- Tagaytay City
- Panglao Island, Bohol

4 Things I Look Forward To This Year -
- Finalization documents for you know who
- My first time to vote in Presidential Election
- A visit from my father in law from England
- Application for Dual citizenship

I want to pass this tag to 4 other people and I hope you do the same - Zhoe, Joy, Amor, and Inday Fe.