Saturday, January 31, 2009

Disclosure Policy

This policy is valid from 31 January 2009

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Win Cash , EC Credits, Blog Layout and More!!!

My 2 blogs Random Thoughts and A Moment to Exhale are celebrating their 1st Blogversary in February. And to celebrate such milestone, I am giving-away lots of prizes with the help of some generous sponsors. The contest will run from January 25 until February 10, 2009.

If you want to win any of the prizes below, visit my blog Random Thoughts now to join, you have 10 different ways to enter in the contest. The more entries you make the more chances you have to win.

1st PRIZE -
$25 - c/o Random Thoughts
Customized Blog Layout (blogger platform) c/o My Web-Blog Designs
1 Swarovsky Bracelet c/o Yen's Handmades [Click here to see the ITEM]
$20 + 2000 EC credits c/o Windmill on the Hill
$10 + 500 EC credits c/o My Life's Journey to Success
$10 + 500 EC credits c/o Things I Did Not Know Before
$10 + 500 EC credits c/o Unique Ideas For Your Beach Weddings

2000 - EC credits + 1 month 125x125 ad space c/o Night Clicks
1000 - EC credits + 1 month 125x125 ad space c/o NetFreeSource
3000 - EC credits c/o Random Thoughts
1 month 125x125 ad space c/o Dashing Beauty
1 month 125x125 ad space c/o Tales of a Pinay Single Mommy
1 Photo Pop Art Make-over c/o Sweety Tots


Saturday, January 24, 2009

How Much Sleep Is Enough?

When my son turned 18 months he went from two naps a day to just one in the afternoon. Now that he's already 2 1/2 years old he still takes an average of 2 hours naptime. He is a good night sleeper, he sleeps through the night unless he missed his afternoon nap. So that is how important naptime is to him and to me as well. He is usually restless at night and cries every now and then when he missed his nap, and it's not fun getting up in the middle of the night.

So how many hours of sleep should a toddler have? Well it varies from child to child, and even from day to day in the same child. Toddlers sleep an average of twelve hours a day in the 3rd year, but that's an average that takes into account those who sleep only 10 hours and those who sleep 14, those who nap and those who don't.

If your toddler has recently given up his afternoon nap, you can expect him to be sleepier and crankier than usual until his body adjusts to his new shut-eye schedule. But as long as he is able to function well on the sleep he is getting you can rest assured he is getting enough. If he is not functioning up to par, continue to be tired and cranky, consider moving bedtime ahead a bit to compensate for the nap he's nixed.

My son is usually in bed between 8 and 8:30pm and he wakes up before 7am. And then he takes a nap for at least 2 hours every afternoon. So he's getting at least 13 hours of sleep total. I am careful about him not missing two naptimes in a row, otherwise he won't function really well that will stress me out too.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Protect Toddler's Skin All Year Round

Do you know that you can also get sunburn in winter? Yes you read it right. While we associate sunburn with summer, the sun can also be a threat in winter, especially when there is snow on the ground. I find it blinding usually while I drive when the sun is out and there are blankets of snow around me, it is just too bright and glaring. The reflection of the sun's rays on the snow can also be as intense as those from summer sun. And, although less of the burning UVB reaches the earth in winter, the also harmful UVA rays remain constant year-round. Since the suns rays also get more intense as you go up in elevation (an increase in 4% with every 1,000 feet above sea level) or get closer to the equator, more precautions need to be taken year-round in high altitudes or equatorial regions. And don't skip the sunscreen when it's hazy out, especially if you're at the beach, much of the sun's ultraviolet light can penetrate a ligh cloud cover. High rish kids ** need protection on hours long car rides, especially under a sun roof.

**Some kids are at greater risk under the sun than others and these children include:
  • children with red or blonde hair and fair skin
  • those with blue, green, or gray eyes
  • those with a family history of skin cancer
  • those who live in a tropoical or sub-tropical climate or at a high altitude
  • those with large numbers of moles
  • those, no matter what their coloring , who burn rather than tan
  • freckled face is a sign of vulnerability to sun damage and may have had excessive sun exposure.
Any child who's at greater risk under the sun should routinely wear a sunscreen with SPF of 20 or more, and spend only limited time in direct midday sunlight.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Smoothing Toddler's Chafing Skin

One thing I don't like about winter is the very cold temperature. It gets my skin extra dry it sometimes cracks, how much more to a toddler's delicate skin? The very cold winter weather can be very harmful to our skin especially to our young children. Add to that the variety of substances like saliva, mucus, and food that can smear on their faces during the day. Dryness and substances like these can cause irritation and redness. I usually use wet wipes to remove these substances while probably other parents resort to frequent washing which of course aggravates the skin condition and add to chafing.

If your toddler's cheeks turn apple red with the first frost and stay that way until the tulips come up, try to minimize the chapping this way.

  • Pat the face dry with a soft cloth after each washing and whenever there's been excessive drooling.
  • Avoid using soap on your toddler's face. When more than water is needed, use very mild super-fatted soap or soapless cleanser. I use Cetaphil skin cleanser.
  • Wipe your child's face with warm water immediately after meals to remove any traces of food and pat dry promptly. If you notice that a particular food or beverage is especially irritating to the skin (like those high in acid - citrus fruits, juices, strawberries, and tomatoes or tomato juice), avoid serving it to your toddler until the chafing has cleared.
  • Soothe chapped skin with a mild moisturizer. I apply Aquaphor baby healing ointment on my son's cheeks and chin after night bath. And now that he has runny nose due to cold I always apply thin layer on his nose. I also do the same routine before we go out in a cold weather.
Source: What to Expect the Toddler Years

Monday, January 12, 2009

Noblesse Oblige Award

This blog is very honored to receive its very first award from Liza of Mommy's Little Corner. Liza has become one of my constant visitors if not the most constant. I'm sure you must have noticed while you drop EC's that her widgets are always on the top 10 droppers of every blog. I love her blogs where she writes very informative posts and important health tips you can use everyday. Anyway, thanks sistah for this honor I greatly appreciate the thoughts and your appreciation of this blog's contributions.

My Barefoot Journey has gone through many changes and challenges in the past before finally finding its niche in the blogging world. I'm happy and proud to become a mom to a wonderful little guy, he gives me unlimited topics and issues to talk about in this blog. He is my inspiration to write topics that share his milestones while at the same time injecting knowledge learned, useful tips and encouraging suggestions.

There are quite a few rules that come with this award, these are:

This Award is presented to bloggers who display consistency in any one or a combination of these conditions:

1. The Blogger manifests exemplary attitude, respecting the nuances that pervades amongst different cultures and beliefs. 2. The Blog contents inspire; strives to encourage and offers solutions. 3. There is a clear purpose at the Blog; one that fosters a better understanding on Social, Political, Economic, the Arts, Culture and Sciences and Beliefs. 4. The Blog is refreshing and creative. 5. The Blogger promotes friendship and positive thinking.

The Blogger who receives this award will need to perform the following steps:

1. Create a Post with a mention and link to the person who presented the Noblesse Oblige Award. 2. The Award Conditions must be displayed at the Post. 3. Write a short article about what the Blog has thus far achieved – preferably citing one or more older Post to support. 4. The Blogger must present the Noblesse Oblige Award in concurrence with the Award conditions. 5. The Blogger must display the Award at any location at the Blog.

I want to give this award to the following deserving recipients:

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Birthday in a Box Giveaway

As early as now I'm already thinking of what I will do on my son's 3rd birthday in May. It's a good thing I stumbled upon this great site of Mom Jen of Therapeutic Reviews & Giveaways, I got some ideas and more. Birthday in a Box is giving away $25 gift certificate to start your next party. Birthday in a box has all kinds of party needs with various themes you can imagine. Since my son is crazy about Thomas and Friends, it's a no-brainer that I should have this theme for his next birthday.

So if you are already planning for your kid's next birthday too, visit Therapeutic Reviews & Giveaways and enter to win the $25 gift certificate from Birthday in a Box. Hurry this contest ends on Sunday, January 11, 2009 9pm PST. This contest is only open to US bloggers.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Chores That Toddlers Can Tackle

When I'm in the kitchen expect my 2 1/2 year old toddler to be there around me. He is always fascinated with what I'm doing and wants to try it too. He carries around a stool where he can step on to take a good look at what I'm doing. When I microwave food he likes to push the buttons; when I load clothes in the washer or dishes in the dishwasher he likes to do it too; when I vacuum he wants his turn too; and so on and so forth. I always wonder why he would rather watch me than play with his own toys. He wants to join in the action all the time, he'd say "I do, I do" or "help mommy".

I realized that it is an opportunity for learning so I include him in most of the things I do in the kitchen like putting away the utensils back to the drawer but with supervision of course. He learned how to identify and sort spoons, teaspoons, forks and knives. I let him wipe the kitchen counter to keep him occupied. Then after a while I would see him wiping the floor too and putting the rugs in order when he sees them crooked. Anything that will keep him occupied is good enough distraction, so I can continue with what I'm doing peacefully. And at the same time, I'm teaching him the value of being organized, cleaning up and helping in few basic chores.

Here are some of the chores that toddlers can tackle:
  1. Pick up and put away toys.
  2. Put dirty clothes in the hamper.
  3. Help sort colored and white laundry.
  4. Unload clean clothes from a cooled-down dryer.
  5. Deposit and take mail from mail box.
  6. Dust. Provide a dust cloth or feather duster and give a demonstration, then let your toddler loose. Be sure there are are no breakables in the area to be dusted.
  7. Unpack and put away unbreakable groceries (toilet paper, paper towels, bread, cereal boxes, pasta) in accessible cabinets.
  8. Sweep the floor with a small broom and dustpan (a dustpan that "stands up" and can be held by a long handle makes this task easier).
  9. Set the table with placemats and napkins, unbreakable dishes and cups, and flatware (no knives).
  10. Clear the table of unbreakable item.
  11. Dry unbreakable dishes, pans, spoons, plastic cups.
  12. Wipe watersafe surfaces with spray bottle of water and cloth or a damp sponge.
  13. Wash, scrub, and rinse produce in kitchen sink (standing on a sturdy, steady step stool).
  14. Tear lettuce for salad.
  15. Toss a small salad in a large bowl (until your toddler is proficient, it's probably wise to add the dressing later).
  16. Snap string beans, shell peas, husk corn on the cob, break broccoli or cauliflower into florets.
  17. Cut cookies or sandwiches with a cookie cutter.
  18. Shape meatballs, dumplings, or cookie balls. But make sure to wash thoroughly before and after this chore. And instruct your kids not to taste the mixture if it contains raw meat or raw eggs.
  19. Mix or stirr eggs, pancake batter, cake batter, uncooked pudding. Again no licking allowed if raw egg is an ingredient.
  20. Water plants (Use a small watering can)
  21. Pull weeds (under close supervision)
Source: What to Expect the Toddler Years

Happy New Year!

Another year has come and gone
Another fresh new year is here,
Another year to live.
To banish worry, doubt, and fear.
To love and laugh and give.