Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Discover the Power of Art

Looking leads to learning. At Barefoot, we are convinced that introducing high-quality images to children at an early age, as well as encouraging children to express themselves visually, plays a critical part in their emotional and intellectual development.

Here are some guidelines on helping the children you know to develop their artistic potential:
  1. Give your child space to be creative - All you need is paper and crayons, a small table or easel, and a child-size chair or cushion, in the corner of a playroom or bedroom.
  2. Show that you value art too - Join your child and do your own drawings, paintings, and model making.
  3. Encourage your child to respect the materials - Have them look after the paper, brushes and paints carefully.
  4. Provide as many different types of paint, paper and other paintable surfaces as you can. - You don't need to run up the tab in your local art shop, though. The back of an old envelope, the inside of wrapping paper, excess packaging from a visit to the supermarket, can all easily be converted into art materials.
  5. Let your child experiment with different tools and techniques. - Try collage and model making as well as with paints and crayons; with brushes of all shapes and sizes; with twigs, old toothbrushes, potato cuts, combs, sponges, bits of flannel. Anything goes, but make it clear what is out of bounds!
  6. Share pictures and illustrations. - Reflect the world in different ways so that your child can see that there is no "right" or "wrong" way to be artistic.
  7. Collect materials for art projects when you are out and about. - Twigs, sticks, leaves and grasses in the park, fabric from charity/thrift shops, stones and pebbles from beaches and riverbanks, can all be turned into something exciting and special.
  8. Recycle what you have around the house. - Roll up old plastic bags to make rope; keep wrapping paper from presents; give outdated magazines and last season's clothes a second lease of life.
  9. Create a display area for your child's work. - Use a wall of your kitchen or playroom and children's confidence gets a huge boost when their work is noticed and talked about.
  10. Talk to your child about pictures and images that you see when outside. - Visit art galleries and talk about the pictures you like and what they say to you.
Children who learn to be creative when they are young never lose this quality. They become the innovators of the future. The skills they learn, and the emotions they associate with the activities they pursued as small children, will go on enriching and informing their lives as adults. Encouraging an early love of art also helps children to develop their capacity for self-expression and for self-exploration, bringing out their unique and particular talents and qualities as young people.


Monday, July 28, 2008

Introduce Your Child To Different Cultures

Knowing and learning other countries' cultures should be very interesting especially for little children. It's never too early to introduce our little ones to different cultures of other countries, let them know how little children like them live in a far away place. Let your children take a peek into the way of life in other countries so they will appreciate and respect people of different colors.

As Summer Olympics in Beijing is fast approaching and the world is all eyes on China, Barefoot Books is excited to release the very first book in its Young Fiction line called "Little Leap Forward: A Boy in Beijing", a semi-autobiographical book that will surely inspire you to explore the culture of China. This book is sensitively written, a real-life story that focuses on growing up in Beijing in the 1960s, at the time of the Cultural Revolution. Little Leap Forward offers children an intimate and immediate account of a child’s experiences as Mao Tse Tung’s Great Leap Forward policy tightens its grip on China.

Click here to know more about
"Little Leap Forward: A Boy in Beijing" by Guo Yue

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Helping Your Child To Read

Learning to read is the cornerstone of every child's education. By reading aloud and teaching your child in a way that is a pleasure for both of you, you will be sharing one of life's most valuable gifts and open all kinds of doors for the future.

Here are some tips on making the most of reading with your child:
  1. Choose a time and place where you can be quiet and give your child lots of attention. Make the occasion a special time.
  2. Turn off any distractions such as TV, music CDs, radios.
  3. When your are reading aloud, show that you are enjoying yourself.
  4. Involve your child. Let yourself be interrupted with questions; talk about what your think of the story and the pictures.
  5. When your child has started learning to read, follow the text and encourage him/her to point to the words as you along.
  6. Establish a routine. Try to devote some time everyday to reading.
  7. Take your child to your local library and involve him or her in choosing books.
  8. Notice what kinds of stories your child enjoys and look out for ones with similar themes.
  9. When you are reading aloud, praise your child for listening well and sitting still. When your child is learning to read for you, give praise and encouragement too, but be sure gently to correct your child when he or she makes mistakes.
  10. Help build your child's vocabulary and memory skills by supplementing reading sessions with audio books on car journeys and after meals or at bedtime. Audio books are especially helpful in building memory skills and supporting the learning of dyslexic and autistic children.
Sharing your child's journey into reading can be one of the most rewarding experiences of parenthood. You owe it to your child, and to yourself, to make it a priority in your daily life.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Barefoot Books - Our Story

Watch this video and learn more about the humble beginnings of Barefoot Books and the vibrant community it created.

Monday, July 14, 2008

A Parent's Great Gift To A Child (My Story)

Very early on in my son's tender age I already saw his love for books. He would always take my hand and press it against his book as if asking me to read it to him. Until now, I see how he gets very enthusiastic and excited at just about any book he gets hold of. He can sit and browse through the pages of books for a long time, longer than other boys his age would normally do. He has relatively long attention span and he listens very well. He also picks up quickly when I identify pictures for him in a book. When I take him to the library for story telling sessions, he listens and participates. His love and interest for books made me encourage him even more. I read to him at least 15 minutes everyday, I watch Baby Einstein dvd's with him and explain what's going on. I demonstrate to him how animals and things sound like and basically talk and do interactive play with him a lot.

Recently I was introduced by a friend to Barefoot Books, a company started by two mothers who abandoned the security of corporate world to do something that they believed in. They wanted to publish children's books that are quite different from the rest. They took a big risk and wondered about whether anyone is going to listen or if anyone would ever buy their books. But their strong belief and great conviction in the values they cared about gave them the determination to pursue their dreams. They are convinced that it is never too early to introduce children to other cultures. They believe that children can appreciate high-quality art, and enjoy the music as well as the meaning of language from a very young age. Children deserve the best, and they are dependent on their elders to help them make connection between themselves and others, between nature and culture, between learning and living. They need their parents' and teachers' interest, involvement and time.

Live Barefoot...Imagine!

As I learn more and more about Barefoot Books, I know this is exactly what I want my son to grow up with. As a stay-at-home mom, I take my job as a teacher to my son seriously. I believe that what you teach a child can shape him into what he will become when he grows up. I always find ways on how to engage my son's imagination and enhance his development. I not only look for books with eye-catching designs but also with great contents and high educational value. Although I always say that my son drains all my energy during the day, it is all worth it when I see how he is learning new things and getting smarter every day. I find comfort at the thought that the involvement and quality time I spend with my son's learning are paying off.

So this is why I decided to be an affiliate and sign up with Barefoot Books, I am one with their goals and aspirations for little children. I give Barefoot Books two thumbs up for their great works. For all mom bloggers out there with little children, I am inviting you to be a part of this great community of educators and share their creative books, CD's and other gifts that offer high educational value and lots of fun. Becoming an affiliate of Barefoot Books, not only give you the access to own great books that help enhance your children's development, but it also gives you some earnings on the side. JOIN BAREFOOT NOW!

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