Monday, April 28, 2008

What's For This Week?

This will be another week to look forward to, for my son and I. I like to do things with Mikey and I welcome each day with so much gratefulness. I know not a lot of moms are able to share the same moments with their kids for a lot of reasons, so I treasure each time spent with my son.

To start the week, today is Monday and we are going to attend the Mother Goose Monday in Norton Public Library. Mikey will be able to see his playmates again while I will get to chat with my girlfriend moms as well. After our Library stint we will go back home to get some lunch and nap and then later today, we will join the Moms Meetup Group for an open gym playdate at Gymboree. Here more playmates and more moms will definitely attend, so it will be fun.

On Tuesday, we will go to Mikey's regular Gymboree class. He's been attending the Level 5 session and its quite a lot different. The class is more on imagination and pretending, I'm so happy seeing him participate more in his class. On Thursday, he will have his regular session with a teacher from Early Intervention. He's been having sessions with them once a week for 6 months now and I feel like he doesn't need to get anymore classes because he's doing great already. But he is contracted for a year, so 6 more month to go. I always follow up with anything that he learns either in Gymboree or Early Intervention so Mikey progresses really fast.

Wednesday and Friday are open for other pop up playdates and visits to friends and relatives, so we'll just play it by ear.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mom's Meetup Group

Since I joined the Mom's Meetup Group in my town, I have attended quite a lot of playdates already. It's fun to be able to get out of the house and get my son to socialize with other kids and for me to have some 'adult' conversations with other moms as well. Yesterday we went to Easton Playground for some fun activities with the bubbles. The weather was so gorgeous and Mikey had fun roaming around the playground patiently pushing his Elmo bubble maker on wood chipped ground. He also had fun swinging back and forth in the kids' swing. When it got very hot, we shielded and sat under the shade of a tree and had some snacks. I had fun exchanging household talks with my girlfriends Josie and Ruchi. Then at 12 noon we called it a day. Mikey and I headed to Costco to do some grocery shopping. We came home around 2pm.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Flaunt Your Winning Looks

Do you have what it takes to earn the title of Look Of The Year? Are you young, beautiful and model material? Do you have that IT-factor to become a model? If you do, it's your chance to get recognized and win a $10,000 price or get a modeling career if get spotted by an agency. How would you like to be working side by side other beautiful people from all over the world or be the next model working in Paris, New York or Milan? Send in you best picture to Look of the Year and win $10,000. Look of the Year is an online beauty contest that is open to people from all over the world. This is judged by surfers of the site who vote for whoever they like the most. If you're not fortunate to win the $10,000 you still have a chance to be discovered by agencies if they find what they're looking for in you. Who knows you could start a fabulous life being a famous model, so join now.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The Oh So Cool Tag

A tag passed to me by Emzkie

Here's the direction

1. Go to

2. Type in your answer to the question in the "search" box.

3. Use only the first page

4. Insert the picture into your Blog.

1.) What is your Relationship Status?

2.) What is your current mood?

3.) Who is your favorite Band/Artist?

4.) What is your Favorite Movie?

5.) What kind of pet do/did you have?

6.) Where do you live?

7.) Where do you work?

8.) What do you look like?

9.) What do you drive?

10.) What did you do last night?

11.) What is your favorite TV show?

12.) Describe yourself?

13.) What are you doing today?

14.) What is your name?

15.) What is your favorite Candy?

Anybody who wants to try this tag just
feel free to grab it!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Rise and Shine

A tag from Loannah. Feel free to grab this if you want to brighten up your day.

May your day be as lovely as this flower.
Happy April Fool's Day!